
Monday, June 3, 2019

Nature or Nurture: Case for an Integrated Life-Span Approach

Nature or Nurture Case for an Integrated Life-Span ApproachThere has been a debate raging, sometimes quietly, sometimes not, in regards to why individuals are the way they are. Most now realize that in that respect is a tremendous interaction between the expression of the genes that we are given and the surround that forms the context for growth and development. Consider identical twins, separated at birth, that grow up with no contact yet are remarkably similar (Santrock 1999, p. 65). Alternatively, interpret children who have experienced extended separation from parents and where placed in a orphanage. Though they tested as being developmentally retarded, depending, if the were adopted prior to six years of age, they showed remarkable recovery while those remaining institutionalized never functi hotshotd normally ( lettuce Cole 1989, pp. 251-252). Clearly, it is not an all-or-n angiotensin-converting enzyme proposition.Even within a paradigm of an interactional process, the ear ly theorists tended to believe that development happened in childhood and 1s adult years simply played out the development of unitarys youth. While there is virtually universal agreement that the developmental foundation laid during infancy, childhood and adolescence cannot be understated in importance, in the last 30-40 years, there is a growing widespread recognition that development is lifelong process. Termed the life-span approach, it explicitly recognizes a four-fold approach to understanding both development and psychology, considering biological, environmental, social and heathenish factors (Cole Cole, 1989, p. 11). The case of David, Ruth, Mei Ling and Mrs. Brown represents a situation which virtually demands the application of such an approach. One the following pages are tables which presents each person, their developmental issues by perspective and a psychology summary utilizing varying theorists to explain their current dilemma. In addition to the primary considera tion of David and Ruth, Mei Ling is also presented to her gelid role in the dynamics of David and Ruths situation.The life-span approach, by virtue of its multiple perspectives, takes into consideration that biology and environmental consideration are only legitimate in the context of cultural and social frameworks. With this approach, it is possible to begin reconciliation of otherwise often competing theories. A further contribution of this method is that is recognized as having seven very relevant characteristics (Santrock 1999, pp.9-11)Lifelong in nature Unlike some paradigms, the life-span approach considers development to be ongoing throughout life, not fitting a childhood process.Multidimensional There are often multiple factors for any given outcome or behavior. Just as David expresses unresolved fear from his abandonment, he is also frustrated by work pressures and the demands of his new family role(s).Multidirectional Elements of ones development do not always impro ve with age. For example, ones physical abilities improve until early-adulthood and then begin to decrease. This is a key element in this case for Mrs. Brown who, due to a recent illness, has locomote suddenly much more(prenominal) aware of her gradually increasing dependence on others to perform tasks for which she recently needed no assistance.Plastic In resister to a pure nature approach, development is not fixed though one should keep in mind that, no matter how hard one tries, a pig cannot be taught to sing. Clearly, biology gives one certain potentialities that are expressed by environmental or other stimulation.Historically enter Development is contingent upon the broader environmental context of history. For example, a child in the 1950s is different in many respects that a child of this decade, in spite of experiencing many of the same psychodynamic issues and stages.Multi-Disciplinary One cannot be a biologist and fully understand human development though this pers pective is essential. In the same way, one cannot be a pure behaviorist and expect to account for the width and breadth of development.Contextual Biology acts upon and with social, cultural and psychological factors. Similarly, the experiences one has shapes the expression of biological elements of development.While most any aspect of David and Ruths current situation can be explained by the application of one or more theoretical perspectives, it is the life-span approach that allows them to come together in one cohesive story. Unfortunately, it is only in retrospect, in most cases, that development can be full understood. To illustrate, consider the figure below.One can easy explain the path from E to A with the benefit of the perspective of looking back. However, consider that one would only have a 1/256 chance at arriving at E given the choices that present themselves at each juncture of life (Cole Cole 1989, p. 263).In explaining any given situation, the lifespan approach see ks to take advantage of all available information from both sides of the nature/nurture debate. While no method can approach the accuracy of hindsight, the insight offered by the recognition that people are ever developing and are not so easily understood by a single school of thought gives tremendous power to the ability of psychology to make meaningful contributions to those in the midst of the struggles of life. whole works ConsultedSantrock, J. (1999). Life-Span Development, 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill College Boston, Massachusetts.Cole, M. and Cole. S. (1989). The Development of Children. Scientific American Books New York, New York.Gleitman, H.(1986). Psychology, 2nd Edition. W.W. Norton Company New York, New York.

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